October 9 Fireworks


To celebrate, 9 October, the Day of the Valencian Community, a series of fireworks displays have been programmed throughout the city of Valencia.

On 8 and 9 October, Valencia will fire its spectacular fireworks displays and the traditional mascletás, a concert of gunpowder explosions with a unique sound.

The shows will take place at the same time and have been distributed throughout the city to avoid crowds.


8 October, at 22:00:

  • “Castle” in Ferrer i Bigné (Benifaraig).
  • “Mascletà Nocturna” in Església (Forn d’Alcedo).
  • “Mascletà Nocturna” in Senda del Polvorí (Benimàmet).
  • “Castle” in Castell de Corbera (La Torre).
  • “Castle” in Camí a Bonrepós (Carpesa).
  • “Mascletà Nocturna” in Darrere Barraca (Cases de Bàrcena).
  • “Mascletà Nocturna” in Església (Pinedo).
  • “Castle” in Francesc Sanchis Huerta (Castellar).


9th October, at 13:00:

  • “Mascletà Aerial” in Azotea Ayuntamiento (Valencia).


9th October, at 14:00:

  • “Mascletà” in Doctor Segaer (Beniferri).
  • “Mascletà” in Guillermina Medrano (Borbotó).
  • “Mascletà” in Senda del Polvorí (Benimàmet).
  • “Mascletà” in Francesc Sanchis Huerta (Castellar).
  • “Mascletà” in Castell de Corbera (La Torre).
  • “Mascletà” in Església (La Punta).
  • “Mascletà” in Baix/Ibáñez Alonso (Massarrojos).
  • “Mascletà” in Església (Poble Nou)

October 9
13:00 — 13:15

Ayuntamiento de Valencia

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