“Candelight: concerts by candlelight”


Live a unique experience with these exclusive classical music concerts on from 22 October to 20 November, at the Ateneo Mercantil in Valencia

These concerts are enriched musical experiences encompassed it in a calm and contemplative atmosphere. The soft light of the room creates an intimate atmosphere and enhances listening sensations. The violins, piano and voices resonate throughout the body. This feeling of deep intimacy is intensified by the reduced seating capacity, a factor that allows one to sit close to the performers and abandon oneself to the rhythms that they bring to life with their instruments.

More information and booking


  • Thursday, 22 October: “Beethoven, his best works”.
  • Friday, 23 October: “Ennio Morricone, Hans Zimmer and other soundtracks”.
  • Thursday, 29 October: ‘F. Chopin, piano soloist”.
  • Friday, 30 October: “Tribute to Ludovico Einaudi”.
  • Sunday, 1 November: “A. Vivaldi, The Four Seasons”.
  • Friday, 6th November: “Soundtracks”.
  • Friday, 20th November: “Tribute to Ludovico Einaudi”.

Promotional video


November 20
21:00 — 22:10

Valencia – Ateneo Mercantil de Valencia

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