Guided tours around Cocentaina: ‘Conoce la Fiesta Contestana’
The local tourism service offers four options; two and two active tourism varieties. Different types of tours are alternated each month starting in April and ending in October.
- ‘Del Medievo al Art Deco’ (from the Middle Ages to Art Deco): theatrical tour with historical events are told by way of a theatrical representation.
- ‘Conoce la Fiesta Contestana’: visit aimed at promoting Concentaina’s Moors and Christians festival, its origin and particularities.
- ‘Senderismo botánico’ (hiking): a family-friendly guided walk through the sierra de Mariola explaining the botanical species found along the way.
- ‘Rutas Cicloturísticas’ (bike tours): discover new bike routes the town has to offer using electric mountain bikes.
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August 31
11:00 — 12:30
Plaza de El Pla (Cocentaina)