Celebrate ‘Tree Day’ in Costa Blanca Natural Parks


Día del Árbol en la Comunidad Valenciana

By parquesnaturales.gva.es

This year this event, aimed at raising awareness of how important it is to take care of our forests, takes place on Saturday 2 February.

All activities are free of charge and great for all publics, however as places are limited prior registration is required.

This year we highlight celebrations that take place in:

Riba-Roja de Turia

A short guided tour to discover the Turia river area. Afterwards there will be a tree planting session.

  • Timetable: from 11:00 to 14:00.
  • Start place: parking del Área Recreativa de la Explanada del Río.
  • Registration: parque_turia@gva.es

Salinas de Calpe

Here the day will evolve around children’s activities, traditional games, tree planting and a small guided itinerary to the viewpoint in front of the Salinas

  • Timetable: from 10:15 to 11:45.
  • Start place: explanada del Paraje Natural de las Salinas de Calpe.
  • Registration: ifac_cma@gva.es

Sot de Chera

Enjoy an organised walk along the Sot river and discover this beautiful riverside enclave followed by a tree planting session.

  • Timetable: from 11:00 to 14:00.
  • Start place: Oficina Técnica (c/ Valencia, 13 – Sot de Chera).
  • Registration: parque_cherasotdechera@gva.es

Hoces del Cabriel

A day-out where 200 trees of various species will be planted in this Natural Park Hoces de Cabriel.

  • Timetable: from 11:00 to 14:00.
  • Start place: puerta del Ayuntamiento de Villargordo del Cabriel.
  • Registration: hoces_cabriel@gva.es

Serra de Mariola

Many trees will be planted to repopulate an area that burnt done a few years ago.

  • Timetable: from 10:30 to 13:30.
  • Start place: centro de información del PN de la Serra de Mariola.
  • Registration: serra_mariola@gva.es
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